miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016


The most popular access to the park is via the Cable Car of Merida. Another important entry is by land through the town of Tabay, in the area of La Mucuy, entering the Sierra Nevada Park making a journey through the Coromoto, Green, serum, lagoons along the Humboldt, La Concha peaks, the base to climb the Bolivar Peak by the southern area, and arriving at Espejo Peak back south-east.


For the type of climate that provides the park, it has developed into one of the largest shelters and spaces for hundreds of animal species.

The variety of altitudes and vegetation units support a variety of wildlife. Among the most emblematic mammals they include: the white-tailed deer, pumas, Andean coati, the Andean leopard, jaguar, the macaw, rabbit moor, and spectacled bear, among others. Among existing birds in the park include the helmeted curassow, Andean guan, the white-tailed quetzal, masked sorocuá, magpie and golden eagle and the almost extinct emblematic bird condor.


The Sierra Nevada has two annual periods, a period of maximum precipitation concentrated between the months of May and October and a dry or low precipitation from December to March period. In addition to precipitation as rain, is also very common precipitation as snowfall on the highest peaks; These snowfalls are common between the months of July to September and sporadic the rest of the year.


The park encompasses parts of six municipalities in the states of Mérida and Barinas three. Its total area is 276,446 hectares, of which 185,886 hectares belong to the Merida state, which means 67.2% of the total area, while the remaining 90,560 ha. They correspond to the state Barinas, 32.8% of the area of the park.

The Sierra Nevada covers one of the two branches of the Cordillera de Merida in the central Andes of Venezuela, which is the namesake Sierra Nevada, the same area is rugged highlighting the location of the major summits in the same country as they are Bolivar Peak (4980 m), Humboldt Peak (4942 m), the La Concha Peak (4922), the Bonpland Peak (4883), the Espejo Peak (4765), Leon Peak (4740) the El Toro Peak (4729) and Mucuñuque Peak (4610).


The Sierra Nevada is an area of great ecological importance for Venezuela, as it ensures the preservation of the ecosystem tallest in the country, there's highest-altitude mountain ranges of the Venezuelan Andes are located, including the Pico Bolivar, the highest landform of Venezuela with 4980 meters

Sierra Nevada National Park

Is an important National Park of Venezuela located between Merida and Barinas in western Venezuela. Founded on May 2, 1952 by decree 393 of President Germán Suárez Flamerich, in order to protect the Sierra Nevada de Mérida in the Andean Cordillera.